Easter and Lent

Details for all our services, events and activities at this special time

During Lent
 Jesus said .. “I am the resurrection and the life" John 11 v25

Family Service
Sunday 2nd March

This service will introduce Lent to our church family.

Booklets for the children will be available explaining the importance of Easter.


Pancake Cafe
Tuesday 4th March
Parish Room

Please join us for PANCAKES and a cuppa this Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day as it is known. It is one last chance for a big party before Lent begins with Ash Wednesday the next day.

Read more here about the countdown to Easter and why we have Pancake Day

We will have great fun tossing pancakes. An event for all the family age 0-99!


Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 5th March

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent when we are considering the journey ahead.

Ashes made from the Easter 2024 palm crosses are blessed and used to make crosses on people's foreheads. The custom dates back to the middle ages.

The Ash Wednesday service sets the tone for Lent, with readings and hymns and a focus on penitence.

This service includes Communion 

World Day of Prayer
Friday 7th March
Parish Room

This year’s focus is “I made you wonderful” and is written by women from the Cook Islands

Click here for more details on our "events" page.

Lent Course on Nicene Creed
5 week course
Day and evening options
Starting Week of 10th March

Click here for further details of this 5 week series titled "I believe" with studies on the Nicene Creed.


Starts Wednesday 12th March


Lunch is followed by the course

Bramble Hall, Balcombe


Starts Monday 10th March


St Richard’s Church, Haywards Heath

Easter Service at Russettings
Wednesday 9th April

We join with residents in a joyful Easter celebration including favourite hymns.

It is important to us to love and cherish all in our village. Residents of Russettings are not able to join us in church but we enjoy being with them in their home. 

Palm Sunday
Sunday 13th April

Jesus riding in to Jerusalem marks the start of Holy week. Crowds welcomed him waving palms 

Palm crosses and a procession within the church help us remember this occasion. 

This service includes Communion

"The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting,


Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord—

the King of Israel!”

John 12:12-13


Holy Week
 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3 v 16

Maundy Thursday
Thursday 17th April

Maundy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples before his death (Luke 22 v:19-20)
At the Last Supper Jesus washed the disciples' feet. As a mark of love Fr David offers to wash our feet during this service. This is reminder of the nature of Jesus, and a demonstration of the kind of service we are meant to demonstrate in our love for one another. 

Following the service we will be sharing an Agape meal together. 

Last year this was in candlelight due to a power cut – deeply atmospheric so we plan to use candlelight again, but hopefully not the power cut.

This service includes Communion. 

Good Friday

Children’s Service 

Friday 18th April

Good Friday is the day when we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. 

This is a service where the children are encouraged to experience what it was like to be followers of Jesus. And is an opportunity for families to reflect on the events of Holy Week and Easter.

In the image above the children are acting out sleeping in the Garden of Gethsemane:

 "Jesus asked "Couldn't you stay awake with me for one hour?" Matthew 26 v40

Good Friday

Last Hour 

Friday 18th April

Good Friday is the day when we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

A quiet service of devotion as we contemplate the Cross of Jesus

Easter Day
"He is Risen" Luke 24

Dawn Vigil
Sunday 20th April

A symbolic expectant waiting for the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning at dawn.  The Easter candle, which is lit from a fire and brought into a darkened church. 

This depiction of new life and light represents Jesus’ resurrection on the first Easter morning. 

The Dawn Vigil is a quiet and thoughtful service, but one full of joy.

This service includes Communion. 

Holy Communion (BCP)
Sunday 20th April

An Easter celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

Easter Lilies decorate the church and are in memory of loved ones. Names are read out during the service. If you would like a loved on remembered:

See the news page

This service includes Communion from Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 


Family Eucharist
Sunday 20th April

An Easter celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

Families and children will have the opportunity to enjoy the Easter garden with the stone now rolled back.

This service includes Communion. 


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